CASE STUDY: Rice University

Rice University is a top-ranked private research university located in Houston, Texas. Often referred to as the “Harvard of the South” Rice is diligent in perfecting their teaching and learning practices.
Whether it be a traditional, lecture-based classroom structure or active learning, Rice is committed to faculty/student engagement. As a result, media creation and capture has started to play a larger role on the instructional side.
Rice University’s Manager of the Educational Technologies Group, Dr. Carlos Solis, is an integral part of the Academic Research and Computing division of the Information Technology department. The university’s campus-wide classroom technology and media strategies depend on the skillful crafts of Dr. Solis and the Educational Technologies team.
Solis and his team use Ensemble Video to provide a unified front for a wide range of classroom technologies and media services. The system accommodates content from Rice’s high-end, full-production media control rooms, to rudimentary faculty recordings using tablets and webcams, as well as excerpts from feature films, documentaries, and television programs.
“Part of my work revolves around trying to find solutions to problems we have,” said Solis. “I try to look forward to needs that I understand will come our way, based on where the technology world is going, along with where the educational world is going.”
- Replacement of outmoded homegrown media server
- Accommodation of a wide range of video technologies and sophisticated, media-rich teaching methods
- Development of an agile system that can adapt to new challenges and grow with evolving demands
- Delivery of teaching materials outside the classroom, any time, on any screen
- Provided unified platform for diverse audio and video applications for a plethora of educational needs
- Streamlined video content management and publishing systems to accomplish more with less
- Enabled efficient and flexible automated workflows, allowing forward-thinking faculty to support active learning with minimal effort
- Provided scalable media management framework to accommodate innovative learning environments
Click here to read entire Ensemble Video Rice University Case Study
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