NEWS: Making Video Accessibility Simpler Than Ever

Ensemble Video is the first video platform in the higher-ed space to make Amara’s award winning caption editor available directly to users.
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Syracuse, NY – October 27, 2015 – Ensemble Video, a leading education video platform, unveiled a new partnership that makes video captioning solutions affordable and accessible to the entire educational community. The first phase of the partnership delivers an innovative solution that combines Amara’s award winning closed caption editor with Ensemble Video’s powerful capture, video management and publishing capabilities, in one seamless experience.
“Our mission and focus have always been about making video accessibility easier and more widespread. We’re incredibly excited to be working with Ensemble, especially given their presence in the education space” said Dean Jansen, Executive Director of PCF.
This game-changing integration enables Ensemble Video users to create and edit captions inside the Ensemble Video platform at no cost, breaking down the economic barriers to captioning in education. More importantly, by adding captions and subtitles to Web-based media, educators will enable full access to degree-seeking students with hearing or vision loss, while addressing key requirements of the Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA).
“Amara is a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure that all video content is accessible. We’re thrilled to partner with Amara and offer their award-winning editor to all Ensemble Video customers for free,” adds Andy Covell CEO of Ensemble Video. “Closed captioning is a critical concern for educators today, not only because of new regulations, but also because they enhance the student’s experience. In partnership with Amara, Ensemble delivers the first truly comprehensive and affordable solution to educational organizations looking to address the growing volume of content that require captioning on their campuses,” said Covell.
About Ensemble Video
Ensemble Video is a turnkey video platform that simplifies video creation, video management and video publishing for anyone that wants to share information using video. Ensemble Video enables hundreds of progressive organizations across the globe to deliver accessible media content any time, over a variety of networks. For more information, visit
About Amara
Amara is a project of the Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF), a not for profit 501 (c)(3). Amara’s mission is to ensure that all online video content is accessible to everyone regardless of hearing ability or language barriers. For more information, visit
Scott Nadzan
VP of Marketing and Sales, Ensemble Video
(315) 753-0094
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