Checklist: What Your Higher Education Video Solution Needs to Do for You

By on October 30, 2019
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Choosing a video management platform for your university is far from easy. You need to sift through countless features and varying prices, consider the differing needs of faculty and students and find a new platform that all the decision-makers will approve. The process can be overwhelming.

If you’re looking for a new video management platform and need help narrowing your options, you’re in luck. We’ve created this simple checklist for you and your team to follow.

Your next video management platform should:

  • Work with your existing software and hardware

  • Scale with your changing needs

  • Securely integrate videos and playlists into your platforms

  • Fit the needs of the higher education environment

If the platform you’re reviewing does not meet all the criteria on this list, it likely isn’t right for your institution. Let’s take a closer look to understand why each item on this checklist is so critical.

Your higher education video management platform should: Work with your existing software and hardware

Simplify your decision-making process by focusing your search on solutions that work with your existing software and hardware investments.

In addition to the capital savings, working with your existing software and hardware also significantly lowers the human cost to your video platform upgrade. If you purchase a video solution that works with your existing software, your students, faculty and staff are more likely to have a seamless and integrated experience. Instead of learning complicated processes to use all of the tools they need, all of your university’s stakeholders will be able to focus on enhancing their experience teaching and learning with video.

Your higher education video management platform should: Scale with your changing needs

Just as you want your video solution to work with your existing infrastructure, you also want it to work with any future needs you may have. As you look for new solutions for your university, we recommend only pursuing options that can financially and technically scale with your needs.  For example, your university might be looking for cutting-edge mobile apps for educators and students. Or, your university might be expanding enrollment by adding anywhere between 1,000 or 10,000 online students. Your video platform needs to be able to support these needs today and in the future.

If you choose a video solution today that can scale with your needs tomorrow, your institution can save significant money in the long run. That’s because you’ll eliminate the costs associated with finding, purchasing and setting up a new platform in the future.

Your higher education video management platform should: Securely integrate videos and playlists into your platforms

From keeping content secured by department to honoring media licensing agreements, your institution needs a video solution that keeps your content protected.

Your university’s video solution should include end-to-end restrictions so you can control access to individual videos and video playlists through your LMS or CMS. We recommend looking for solutions that give that power to the administrators, so your educators can focus their energy on teaching students, rather than troubleshooting with IT.

Your higher education video management platform should: Fit the needs of the higher education environment

Video has become a critical part of the higher education environment that is used to enable remote teaching and learning, supplement course material, and everything in between. Yet not all video platforms are robust enough for the demanding needs of a college or university, and many platforms weren’t built specifically with higher ed environments in mind.

As you look for a new video management solution, limit your search to platforms designed specifically for colleges and universities. Then, pay attention to the team behind the platform. Look for a team where higher education and technology experience runs deep, from the CEO to the customer service team. Every university uses video differently, and every university has unique video needs. A knowledgeable team with experience in environments like yours will be able to customize your platform to meet your institution’s specific requirements.


There are a lot of factors that go into selecting your university’s next video management platform. But with video’s continued dominance and growth within higher education, this is a process worth taking seriously. Unfortunately, having large software selection committees can make the process long and difficult to navigate.

By using this checklist, your team can eliminate confusion and establish a set of standards to rely on when making a decision.

If you’d like to learn more about how Ensemble Video’s features can work for your university, contact us today to schedule a demo or request a trial.


About Scott Nadzan

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