CASE STUDY: SUNY Buffalo State

By on October 28, 2013

Known for its distinctive curriculum and diverse learning environment, SUNY Buffalo State is the largest comprehensive college in the foremost system of public education in the nation, the State University of New York (SUNY).

Buffalo State Director of Instructional Technology Melaine Kenyon heads the Instructional Resources Office, providing strategic leadership for the development and integration of instructional technology into classrooms and other learning spaces throughout the institution’s 125-acre campus.

With Ensemble Video, the Instructional Resources team can support faculty media management and uphold the institution’s accessibility initiative, all in a secure virtual environment that offers anytime, anywhere, any screen access.

Buffalo State adopted the video platform in 2012, to replace its aging homegrown system. In July 2013, SUNY closed a statewide deal with Ensemble, and Buffalo State was among the first institutions to join. SUNY ITEC hosts and supports Ensemble, allowing individual schools to buy in at a reduced price, and take advantage of shared services, while reducing duplicate efforts and investments.

“Faculty are thrilled they can use Ensemble on their own, anytime, from any internet-capable computer, with no client-side software,” said Buffalo State Director of Instructional Technology Melaine Kenyon. “Our homegrown system involved shared drives, which you had to be on campus to access.”


  • Need scalable video platform to replace outmoded homegrown media server
  • Need stringent security measures to lock down academic content, comply with copyright regulations
  • Need closed captioning features to satisfy accessibility guidelines
  • Need to make teaching materials available outside the classroom, anytime, on any screen


  • Empowered faculty to independently manage their own content
  • Integrated with campus LMS for streamlined service
  • Eliminated time-consuming manual workflows with one unified system
  • Provided scalable media management framework to accommodate innovative learning environments

Click here to read entire Ensemble Video SUNY Buffalo State case study.

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